
Subjects are offered at Waikerie High School are from the Australian Curriculum.

All students will be provided with opportunities to fulfil their educational potential, to develop the skills necessary to be active participants in society and to foster the notion of life-long learners in a safe and caring environment.

Despite being a small country school, we have been able to provide a diversity of courses and programs to suit the needs of students of diverse backgrounds and interests.

We cater successfully to students who wish to attend tertiary education at University or TAFE, as well as developing on-the-job skills for students wishing to enter the workforce when they finish school.

Visit curriculum in South Australia for more information.

Middle school

Subjects offered to our middle school students aim to provide a broad-based education, to prepare students for study at senior secondary level.

These subjects are a mix of both practical and non-practical subjects, and aim to cater for students of all interests and abilities.

There are no subject choices in Year 7 and 8, but students will find that their range of choices increase as they progress through high school.

For more information about our middle school curriculum, read our Subject information booklets for middle school students (PDF 757KB).

Senior school and SACE

At the senior secondary level, students are given the opportunity to complete the South Australian Certificate of Education (SACE). SACE is a state-wide certificate of completion of high school, and is a requirement for further study at university and in some TAFE courses.

Students are able to select a program of study in a number of diverse areas.

We have been very proud of our year 12 results. These results have been, on average, higher than the state average. The vast majority of students who wished to attend university achieved a score that enabled them to do so.

Our school also has a very successful Community Studies program available for students, to cater for the educational needs of all students.
For those students who might prefer more of a vocational pathway, we offer a number of subjects that develop job skills and experiences.

Further information on these pathways can be found in the next section.

For more information about our senior secondary curriculum, read our Subject information booklets for senior school students (PDF 2.18MB).

Vocational Education and Work Experience

One of our school priorities has been a focus on Vocational Education and Training (VET).

Vocational Education places a greater emphasis on developing job skills, as well as enabling students to achieve TAFE modules that will assist them should they wish to study at TAFE after completing their secondary schooling. Vocational Education opportunities are available in a wide range of areas including: business, technology, agriculture, tourism and hospitality at our school, and all of these are areas of growth in the workforce.

All Year 10 students are required to undertake a week of Work Experience as part of their PLP studies. This is a valuable experience and allows them to gain an introduction to life in the workforce.

Visit the Riverland Secondary Schools Alliance website to learn about available VET courses.